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We're Asian...Of course we don't use the air conditioner

We're Asian...Of course we don't use the air conditioner

We're Asian...Of course we're Lactose Intolerant

We're Asian...Of course we're Lactose Intolerant

We're Asian...Of course we're the most searched category on PornHub

We're Asian...Of course we can't see well when we drive

We're Asian...Of course we're in medical school

We're Asian...Of course we only date old rich white dudes

We're Asian...Of course we started Covid

We're Asian...Of course we'll never make our parents proud

We're Asian...Of course we hit our children

We're Asian...Of course we drink Bubble Tea

We're Asian...Of course we created a spy app to brainwash America

We're Asian...Of course we look the same

We're Asian...Of course we have amazing skin

We're Asian...Of course we marry for a green card

We're Asian...Of course we have a tight Pu$$y

We're Asian...Of course we've Losers

We're Asian...Of course we've eaten Dog

We're Asian...Of course we only date old rich white dudes

We're Asian...Of course we'll never make our parents proud

We're Asian...Of course we look the same

We're Asian...Of course we can't see well when we drive

We're Asian...Of course we created a spy app to brainwash America

We're Asian...Of course we're Losers

We're Asian...Of course we're the most searched category on PornHub

We're Asian...Of course we hit our children

We're Asian...Of course we drink Bubble Tea

We're Asian...Of course we're in medical school

We're Asian...Of course we have amazing skin

We're Asian...Of course we've eaten Dog

We're Asian...Of course we have a tight Pu$$y

We're Asian...Of course we marry for the green card

We're Asian...Of course we started Covid